Rental terms

Ordinary rental terms. These business and rental terms are applicable between tenant and rental agency (hereafter called RA) to the extent that it is not expressly waived in a written agreement between the parties.

1. Proposition and agreement
1.1 The rental agreement confirms an agreement between tenant and house owner with the RA as an intermediary.
1.2 Once entered, the agreement is binding and includes the holiday house with inventory, accessories and lot described in the house description.
1.3 The RA rents out the holiday houses which are described with information of the best knowledge and conviction of the agency.
1.4 The rented holiday house may not without specific previous agreement be inhabited by more people than the norm. Setting up tents, caravans or similar is not allowed.
1.5 If pets are brought, the amount of pets cannot exceed the norm stated in the house description. Pets must not be left alone in the holiday house. A fee for pets may be charged.
2. Price
2.1 The specified prices in catalogues and on the internet However, the rule may be omitted on some houses and destinations.
2.2 The RA sets the prices with reservations to changes in taxes and fees plus significant changes in electricity and oil prices.
2.3 The prices are always incl. VAT.
3. Payment, annulment and changes
3.1 The lease is confirmed by RA by forwarding the rental agreement to the tenant.
3.2 The first payment rate represents 25% of the rental price plus possible cancellation insurance and handling fee and is due 10 days after the conclusion of the agreement. The remaining amount, second rate, is due 60 days prior to the start of the rental period.
3.3 Booking later than 60 days prior to the start of the rental period the full amount is due immediately when entering the lease and no later than upon collecting the key.
3.4 By paying the first rate, the tenant declares themselves acquainted and in agreement with these rental terms, prices and rental period.
3.5 If the first and second rate are not paid in due time, the RA reserves the right to annul the rental agreement.
3.6 Prior to the beginning of the lease the tenant can terminate the agreement. The termination is sent to the relevant Feriering partner in a registered letter and is applicable from the day it is received by the Feriering partner in question.
3.7 RA is in these cases entitled to demand a reasonable compensation and hence the following claims may be charged without further proof: up to 60 days prior to the start of the lease, 20% of the gross rent is charged. 1-59 days prior to the lease 80% of the gross rent is charged. A minimum of DKK 500 is always payable. In case of annulment the handling fee and optional insurance fee is not repaid.
3.8 Change in period of the lease can be made up to 60 days prior to the start of the lease but a fee may be charged if the lease has already been accepted (by payment of the first rate) otherwise, the lease is changed without further charge. Changing the lease 1-59 days prior to arrival is not possible but is processed as an annulment.
4. Deposit
4.1 The RA can at any time charge a deposit. This is charged along with the second rate or no later than upon collection of the key and serves as collateral that the rented holiday home is returned without damages and sufficiently cleaned.
4.2 The deposit is returned 2 weeks after departure when a satisfactory control of the house has been completed. Consumption of electricity, heating (including firewood), telephone, water, extra inventory etc. Cannot be set off against the deposit but must be settled when submitting the key.

5. Cancellation insurance
5.1 It is recommended to buy a holiday house and cancellation insurance through the Feriering partner in question. The price for the insurance is set according to the rental amount and insurance type. Current pricing and insurance terms are shown in catalogue and website and is forwarded when requested.
5.2 Insurance is made with:
Europaeiske Rejseforsikring A/S
Frederiksberg Alle 3
DK-1790 Kobenhavn V

6. Tenant liabilities
6.1 The tenant is obliged to treat the holiday house and what comes with it in an appropriate way since all damages made by tenant or guests are the responsibility of the tenant.
6.2 The tenant is liable for the holiday house incl. Inventory and is required to report any damages which occurred during the stay to the RA. All damages must be replaced by tenant before departure or an agreement concerning replacement must be made. If there, after the departure of the tenant, is found further damages or deficiencies which have not been registered with the RA these will be charged on the tenant.
6.3 If nothing else is stated the tenant is responsible for leaving the holiday house clean and tidy. In cases where the tenant pays for end cleaning the tenant must tidy up, do the dishes, empty refrigerator and freezer put out the garbage before departure. End cleaning must be ordered in reasonable advance.
6.4 The tenant is also responsible for him or his guests not being an inconvenience to neighbours and surroundings. If the inhabitants of the holiday house show rude, negligent behaviour or actions forcefully made, the RA reserves the right to, with immediate effect and with out notice to cancel the lease. The RA will in such cases not be obliged to pay back all or some of the rental amount.

7. Landlord liabilities
7.1 Each individual Feriering partner acts as a agency and is therefore responsible for the intermediation of the rental agreement between tenant and landlord.
7.2 The information about the holiday houses are based upon inspection and information from the landlord to the Feriering partner in question. The RA strives to provide correct and objective information but since changes can be made prior to the start of the lease may be made without the knowledge of the RA, the RA cannot be made liable therefore.
7.3 The RA reserves the right to, in case of breach of contract by the landlord, clerical errors, misinformation or similar to return the paid rental amount or replace the rented holiday house with a similar holiday house. Should the latter be less expensive that the one originally rented the price difference will be returned.
7.4 The RA assumes no responsibility for changes of conditions not directly linked to the holiday house (e.g. bathing possibilities, fishing rights, closure of traffic routes and shops etc., road and construction work, environmental damage etc.). Equally, the RA does not assume responsibility for depreciation of the stay when this is due to climatic conditions or local provisions and regulations (e.g.bathing prohibition, water shortage etc.).
7.5 The RA does is not liable for any failure or rupture of the installations, blocked drain and sewer of the holiday house or possible insects of vermin.
7.6 In connection with this agreement no insurance of the RAs is applicable to cover any damages to people or things which may occur during the stay of tenant and guests.
7.7 Prejudice is upheld for potential errors in print or typography in all catalogues and websites. In case of differences it is always the internet information which are applicable.

8. Complaints
8.1 Any damages or defects of the holiday house must be submitted to the RA no later than 48 hours upon arrival. If not submitted the tenant may be liable (see also 6.2). Complaints regarding insufficient cleaning must be submitted to the RA upon arrival to the house.
8.2 The tenant is obliged to give the RA reasonable time to repair any damages or defects. Furthermore, the tenant must contribute minimise further damages and any loss of the RAs
8.3 If the repairs are not satisfactory, the RA must be informed immediately.

9. Force majeure
9.1The rental agreement can without notice be terminated by the RA in case of ordinary force majeure (war, strike, epidemics, nature or contamination disasters or similar) or other conditions that the RA has no influence on.
10. Ethical rules
10.1 The RA is member of the Holiday Rental Agencys Association and follows the ethical guidelines proposed by the association.
10.2 Should problems arise in connection with a lease that are not solved to the satisfaction of the tenant and it is not possible for the parties to reach an agreement regarding potential compensation, it is possible for the tenant to submit the case for the Holiday Rental Agency Associations board of appeal (also called Feriehusudlejernes Brancheforenings Ankenaevn). Further information may be found onwww.fbnet.dk.
11. Disputes
11.1 Any interpretation of this rental agreement must settled in court the place where the lease is situated. Danish laws are applicable.
12. Especially applicable for Ebeltoft Feriehusudlejning
12.1 The tenant is obliged to reading the rental agreement thoroughly and to check that house number, lease period etc. is correct. Any change or acquisitions of insurance must made before payment of the first rate.
12.2 Concerning the 2 person discount one child under the age of 2 is accepted as extra.
12.3 The age limit for youth groups exceeding 5 persons is minimum 25 years of age. It is always necessary to get the acceptance of the landlord before a booking is made. We reserve the right to demand an extra deposit and/or holiday house rental insurance.
12.4 The consumption expenses can upon previous agreement set off in the deposit upon departure.